Dieter, Purchasing & Logistics

Whether he’s choosing the most beautiful trees in Peru or negotiating the best prices online: Buyer Dieter always has it under control. Of course we have every confidence in our suppliers. The contacts are excellent. And yet we still check every pile of wood. It is our way of monitoring and guaranteeing quality.”
You want to be on the same side as Dieter. He is what you call a hard negotiator. His secret: a technical background. Regardless of which type of wood it is, he knows exactly what he wants and what is needed. "I've learned to get the most out of it. In terms of quality and price. As a wood specialist, we only want to realize the best, and that all starts with the purchase. Our suppliers also help with that. They know our expectations and like to work with us. Because they know that we make extra effort to achieve things.”
“Every supplier has a specialty. We soon find out what that is.”
Just as one type of wood is not the other, there is also a distinction between suppliers. “No lack of providers. But through experience and on the spot quality inspections you soon work out where the skills lie. “Every supplier has a specialty. We quickly find that speciality.”
“Everyone always needs something.”
An additional way of maintaining quality is to own the production and finishing of the wood process. It ensures a level of certainty throughout the whole process and provides Dieter with an additional logistical challenge. He works logistical wonders from his hotspot. “Everyone always needs something and schedules change regularly. That involves a certain amount of stress but keeps it exciting.”
- Wooddoxx
Who: Dieter Demeyere
Age: 29
Role: Purchasing & Logistics
Quote: “I learned to negotiate from the best: Gregory and Robbert, the Managing Directors.”