Woodstoxx has been awarded PEFC and FSC® Labelling

At Woodstoxx we have been working on sustainable forest management for some time. Just think of the hectares of forest that we want to plant every year.
Planting an area of forest is a good start, but it’s not enough. That is why we have done everything possible to obtain an FSC® and PEFC label.
These labels guarantee that the wood you purchase comes from a sustainably managed forest. In order to obtain a label, the forest manager must meet a significant number of conditions. Among other things, the economic, social and environmental aspects are examined.
A label will only be issued once all the peripheral conditions relating to man and nature have been met.
From July 7, 2016 Woodstoxx will be both PEFC and FSC® certified. You will be able to recognise the products that we offer as FSC® or PEFC by the logo that has been added to the product pages.
- PEFC: License number PEFC/07-32-356 | Certificate number BE16/819942401
- FSC®: License number FSC®-C129924 | Certificate number SGSCH-COC-041084
One of our reference projects where the customer opted for FSC® wood is the new KV Ostend stadium. We fitted 220 Iroko Domino beams there. These beams were also treated to withstand the natural elements. Be sure to check out the photos of this FSC® project.